The Leo Club at Chicago Heights School District 170's Greenbriar School followed up on a presentation by two speakers from South Suburban PADS by sponsoring a drive to gather toiletries and other items to donate to PADS.

The students, under the direction of advisor Mary Ann Baiza, collected toothpaste, toothbrushes, soaps, lotions, shampoos, deodorant, and washcloths to help PADS in assisting those in need.

“We are extremely proud of our Greenbriar Leo Club members,” Baiza said, “and sincerely believe that volunteer experiences like this one benefit our members by nurturing their sense of empathy, inspiring good citizenship, and creating a strong character.

Greenbriar’s Leo Club is sponsored by the Chicago Heights Lion’s Club and operates under the guidance of Lions members Rich Duncan and Karen Graham.

"The enthusiasm shown by the students of the Greenbriar School Leo Club was inspiring,” Duncan said.

“Their commitment to helping others reflects well on their dedication to the Lions Club’s goal of community service.”

South Suburban PADS has been existence for more than a quarter century and has served more than 15,000 men, women and children providing more than a half-million shelter nights for individuals needing assistance.